Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Time Out!

We practice 'Time Out' at our house and while I'm still debating it's effectiveness, Joshua has gotten really good at sitting there when we tell him. Well, tonight I was so tired of bringing him to the time out corner that I said, 'Go put yourself in time out' not really thinking he would. Imagine my shock when my little 18 month old son went over to the corner and sat down.

Now, originally 'time out' was effective because it really seemed to be a punishment. Now, he just sits there and looks all cute and repeats, "Don't Touch" since that is the usual offense that gets him there in the first place. But the second he gets up he just goes back to doing what he wasn't supposed to. The scariest thing is how much my son reminds me of all the stories I've heard about my husband growing up. Like John being told he was going to get his mouth washed out with soap and he would say, 'Lava please'. Well, that is what my little precious son is doing, acting like 'time out' is just another place in the house to sit and not seeming to care at all that it's a punishment. ***Sigh*** And we aren't even to the terrible two's yet! ;)

P.S. If you have more creative & effective punishment techniques for an 18 month old...I GLADLY welcome them all!!

1 comment:

Foley Family said...

Oh Angela, I am so sorry time out is not working for you! I don't know what I would do if time out didn't work. Our daughter HATES being put in time out, so it has been really effective for us. I am interested to see if anybody has some ideas for you.

By the way, have I told you that I really enjoy your blog?!

-Kim Foley
IAC Alum