Friday, October 5, 2007

Joy in the midst of sorrow

Yesterday was the 5 month anniversary of my mother's death so as usual I wanted to take a minute to post about her and a funny story that happened a little more than a month after she died. My brother and I were on the phone together and as he lives in another state we hadn't seen each other very much after the funeral. And he said to me, "How have your tenths been?" - Well since it was a conversation over the phone I had no clue what he was talking about. I didn't know if he said, 'tents', 'vents', 'lents'...I just had no clue. And as I said, "huh?" - he would repeat "tenths", "What??, "TENTHS!". Finally, I was like what the heck are you talking about? And he said, "You know - your 'tenths' - you know - the day mom died." And I had to say, "uh...well, she died on the fourth." Which he replied, "Man, I was all sad on the wrong day." He will probably kill me for posting this but I couldn't help but think that it was a really funny moment in the midst of true sorrow. And I know, my mom, if she has any clue at all up there in heaven what's happening down here, had to be laughing too! By the way, I love this picture of my mom, you can really see her smile & sweet spirit!!


Anonymous said...

She is a lovely lady. I'm so sorry you lost her.

qw32165tyrwe21qazsdfg said...

Yes, what a sweet photo. Reading your blog keeps me connected to you from across the miles... I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Yes your Mother is beautiful! And I can just *see* her sweet spirit in this picture...thank you for telling me about your Mother, I'm sorry for your loss.