Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh yeah...I have a blog!

Oh my...I have been a slacking blogger. I have been caught up with life so here is a mish-mosh of updates.

It seems a lot of our close friends and family have been going through so many challenges I find I've been extra busy with things like meals, childcare, hospital trips etc. I'm so thankful that being at home allows me to help out others. You may recall that a dear friend of ours has been battling a brain tumor for over a year. This week they got amazing news that he is in complete remission!! My dad had open heart surgery on Tuesday and got to come home today! I can't believe how quick the recovery has been. We had another friend whose 5 year old son had to have sudden surgery for hydrocephalus and was back to school the same week. We have just seen so many challenges lately but it has also given us the opportunity to see so much of God's grace as well! I'm so thankful for that.

In other news, the boys have been so much fun lately. Caleb will be 4 months old tomorrow. I can't wait to go to our next doctors appt to see how much he has grown. He is so super long! Joshua is absolutely hilarious lately. He is definitely at that stage of coming up with some of the silliest stuff ever, combined w/ the fact that he also thinks he is such a comedian gives us lots of laughs. Joshua is already very excited about his birthday even though it's still over 2 months away. Of course, he has asked for a dinosaur theme so I'm getting excited about that and already have quite a few ideas in store. Joshua has really gotten into crafts lately so every day we must do a new craft. I'm so thankful that the web is full of great ideas! Today we glued cornflakes to a the spikes of a stegosaurus picture then painted them. Next week I'm going to attempt paper mache dinosaur eggs...wish me luck!

I'm super excited that we are taking Dave Ramsey's Financial peace class at our church. I've been really motivated to get in a better financial place than we are. The economy has really scared me into being a better steward of our money. So I've also been really busy juggling being a stay-at-home mom and trying to increase my real estate business which means my nights and weekends have been pretty packed. I'm excited to already have a new listing and hope that more is to come. John's work has been consistently busy since the beginning of the year which we are also so thankful for and pray it continues.

So that is our life for now! I'll try to be a better blogger but can't promise anything right now.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Boys

Friday, January 2, 2009

I recently was asked to provide meals for a friend which I often have to do for people who have new babies and such. Well, this time I was sent a request through What a great site and a efficient way to schedule meals. And since this was the first I have heard of this site I decided to share it on here so others would know as well. Go check it out!