Monday, October 8, 2007

Crescent Roll Apple Pies & Spiced Apple Waffles

Since it's apple season I've been really inspired lately to eat a lot of apples and cook with apples so I found these two great recipes one at Cherry Hill Cottage & the other at The Homespun Heart. Also, if you haven't tried a Honeycrisp Apple - you have to look for them at your grocery store - they are TO DIE FOR!!!

Crescent Roll Apples - I made this recipe as is - but would probably only use 1/2 cup mountain dew in the future. It tasted more like cobbler to me and my husband LOVED it!!!

Spiced Apple Waffles - I have to admit that I am weak to using Bisquick as the easy way out so I don't know if my waffles were even close to Monica's but they were definitely inspired by her recipe. I simply added pumpkin spice, vanilla, & shredded apples to the Bisquick waffle recipe. YUM!

HELPFUL TIP: I always have more batter than we need so I made the rest of the waffles and froze them and had one this morning by popping it in the toaster!

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