Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pushing Daisies

It seems every year there is a new T.V. show that I like that for some reason gets canceled or doesn't get renewed and it makes me so sad (like Justice from last year :( ). So even though my blog is not so influential that it will make a difference I am marketing the new show Pushing Daisies for my own personal gain (i.e. - so it doesn't get canceled). Anywho, the previews made it look so weird but after I saw a review that gave it 4 out of 4 stars I just had to watch it. It was really cute and totally different than the typical run of the mill shows. So PLEASE give it a try - it's on TONIGHT at 8pm and tell me what you think! It really surprised me how good I thought it was.

P.S. Why is it that you can spell canceled with one 'l' or two 'l's'? (This is a rhetorical question so don't feel like you have to answer.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband and I were hooked in the first five minutes. We had been fans of Wonderfalls, a show done by the same guy and cancelled after 1 season so we hoped Pushing Daisies would be as good. We think it's even better so far. So fun and quirky!