Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I was just talking with some friends this morning about the fact that I think this holiday we will try to bring Joshua to his first movie - especially if there is a cute one out at the theatres. In this conversation the movie coming out with Nicole Kidman called The Golden Compass was brought up. (There are all sort of emails going around about it.) Apparently it's a children's movie based on books that are similar to the Chronicles of Narnia except about killing God. It is written by an atheist and will be coming out around the holidays. I hate to even write about it because I feel like giving it any publicity is giving it more hype than it deserves but I'm just really sad to hear about this and want to make others aware. I think this is something everyone will need to form their own opinion on and from my understanding the movie hides the religion part of it pretty well but the fear is the publicity it will bring to the books which the author flat out quotes is about killing God. You can find more info on it here at Snopes.com.


Lanny said...

Wow! Thanks for the heads-up. I had no idea.

Joy said...

I don't really like the way movies and tv are turning these days. Some of the commercials for movies that are coming out are just horrible!

I will be heading to that site to check things out though. Thanks so much.

~o~ Happy Halloween ~o~

Anonymous said...

You know, I read about this on another blog today too. It just makes me totally sick! Yikes.

God bless :)