Monday, November 5, 2007

The Mitford Series

After hearing so many people talk about the Mitford Series, I decided to start reading them. I was able to pick up the first 3 books for $1 each at the used book store and of course, I had a store they were free. Anywho, I just finished the first book in the series...which I found delightful and started in on the second book. Now, throughout the books the bible verse Philippians 4:13 is mentioned (which BTW gave me the inspiration for my latest banner). But...I also happened to notice that both of my first two books end on page 413...and so I was that a coincidence or is it connected to the bible verse. I'm probably over thinking this, which is surprising considering my mommy brain, but figured I'd put it out there and see if anyone knows the answer or has noticed themselves.

P.S. Is this considered starting a conspiracy theory? Ta hee hee.


*carrie* said...


Monica got me started on them as well. The 2nd book is waiting on my table!

I like your new header! Did you do that yourself?!

Monica Wilkinson said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying the books! :) I just think they are charming and delightful and such a wonderful place to visit!

Foley Family said...

I read the Mitford series a long time ago. I loved them. Now that I think about it, there are probably some new ones out since I last read them. I am going to have to look in that. I'm glad you are enjoying them!


Wendi said...

Love the series! I am on book five. That book ends on page three hundred and something

Your header looks good.