Saturday, August 25, 2007

What noise does a bunny make?

Joshua has been working very hard on all his animal noises...he knows a sheep says..Baaa, a dog say...woof, woof, a kitty says..eeeoooowww, and dinosaurs say...Roar. But did you know that sweet little bunnies also say..."ROAR!!!" Every time Joshua sees a picture of a rabbit or walks by this sweet rabbit in our house he says..."ROAR!!!" We have tried to tell him that a bunny says..."Hop, Hop, Hop" but he clearly thinks that bunnies are really scary, mean creatures that say, "ROAR!!"

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Ha! I just had to laugh. Just wait until he asks you what a Zebra says, or a Hippo!
~ Cindy Huff