Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Saving Money

I've been thinking a lot about ways to save money. Here are a few of the things I'm doing or have done recently...

1 - Purchase mail order subscriptions rather than going to the pharmacy for ongoing medication. Our co-payment for 1 prescription for 1 month is $50 x 2 prescriptions + $25 for another one= $125 a month Mail order prescription are 3 months at a time and cost $180 for 3 month supply for 3 prescriptions. Pharmacy 3 months is $375 - Mail order $180 = $195 savings EVERY 3 months for $780 a year!! That is HUGE!

2. A smaller effort is re-using towels that we dry off with after a shower. Some people might think this is gross - but you are clean coming out of the bath - so you should be able to get at least 3 uses out of a towel which = less laundry = less laundry detergent = less energy. Wahoo!

3. Finally, using less laundry & dish washing detergent. For the dish washer - I NEVER fill that extra compartment they have and only fill the regular compartment 1/2 full. Laundry - I use 1/2 the recommended amount and I actually believe I've seen an improvement - because I believe too much detergent builds up on the clothes. I might be crazy though.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I am working out cutting back on the amount of detergent I use. I have heard of people using as little as a tablespoon in the dishwasher.

Glad the grill is working out for you. Yeah!!