Thursday, August 23, 2007

Little Blessings...

I'm soooo hopeful right now...because a few days ago our grill broke. Well, really it has a gas leak cause one of the lines split - not the safest way to grill. Anywho, we went to Home Depot to get the part to fix it and found that it was basically un-fixable because everything was welded into place, yada yada yada. So I've been totally bummed cause 30% of my cooking, if not more, is done on the grill. AND... we are pretty strapped for money right now, so there is no way I can justify buying a new grill and not grilling until Christmas will make life pretty tough. SOOOO...lo and behold I get a random email today saying someone is selling their gas grill. (Now, in all my years no one has ever tried to sell me their grill - so what are the odds that it happens 5 days after we find our grill is un-salvageable.) So I called right away and found that they will sell it to me for $10 more than the part that didn't work that we are returning. It's a better brand than our grill and they said they have only used it about a dozen or so times as compared to ours that has been used like 300 times. Wahoo!! So Joshua and I are headed to go check it out in about 30 minutes. This really seems like a little blessing from God as an affordable way to replace our grill. So hopefully it's all this lady says it will be - stay tuned!!

Update: We are now owners of a new (rather used) grill! I have yet to get it all hooked up to see how it works but more on that later.

1 comment:

*carrie* said...


What a great story! Hope the grill works well.