Sunday, August 12, 2007

A good buy & note cards...

I like to occasionally wander into our local Goodwill store to see if they have any decent furniture that would be good to refinish. So today, I decided to take a peek in and found a Williams-Sonoma Bread Machine. I don't think it has ever been used as it is clean as could be inside. It's really fancy and I can't believe I got it for a total of $10!!! By the way, if you have any good bread machine recipes...please share them!

I also have been trying to do a few more crafts recently - especially as Christmas gets closer and we are on a tight budget. So I found this great idea on another blog for making home made note cards & envelopes from old magazines. I was quite skeptical about the envelopes but figured I would give them a try and I think I am addicted!! They turned out pretty cute considering my magazine choices are pretty slim right now since I JUST decided to recycle my big basket of magazines. What do you think?


Monica Wilkinson said...

I think your cards turned out great! :) Glad you found an idea that you can use!

*carrie* said...


I like these designs and agree with my sister. =)

I've been making cards from magazines this week, too, and plan to send some to my swap partner!