Friday, August 31, 2007


John and I played Scrabble last night which was quite enjoyable. Typically in scrabble - it is thrilling to pull out a 28 or even 36 point word...but my dear husband came up with a 99 point word. YES, 99 points!! I had previously put the word 'duce' (which I might add he challenged saying it wasn't a word and lost a turn because it was). Anyways, he added 5 letters to 'duce' to make it 'reducers' which hit 2 triple word scores so his 11 point word was multiplied by 9 for a 99 point word. Competitive as I am, I'm happy to say I still beat him by 5 points even with his 99 point word. :) Aren't game nights fun!!

1 comment:

*carrie* said...


We love Scrabble here at our house, too, and my husband and I are also quite competitive with it. We took the travel version on our honeymoon, and I ended up getting a 112-point word: clovers on a triple-word space. There was a lot of bragging over that one! =)