Monday, August 13, 2007

A day at home...

Today Joshua and I are hanging out at the house. My first goal of the day was to try out my new bread machine...bread is currently in the machine and it's been rising for hours. I don't have the manual for the machine so I'm not quite sure if I'm doing it right but we will see. I tried ordering the manual from the manufacturer and they seem to be at a loss of how to get one. Oh well.

Then, I had to get some publicity out for our upcoming MOPS meeting. I hope we have lots of new faces join us this year!!

So now Joshua is napping and I decided to make a burp cloth for one of John's co-workers. I hand stitched the letter (freehand) which probably wasn't the best idea. I think I will look for a letter pattern next time but since I don't have an embroidery machine I figured it was ok. Then, I tied a ribbon to it and added one of my new homemade cards and Voila! a complete little gift.

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