Friday, August 17, 2007

Consignment Sales!

Today marked the official start of the Fall consignment sales. I'm totally bummed that I will be out of town during 2 of the 'major' consignment weekends so I had to get my fill today. I was lucky enough to find 8 adorable outfits for Joshua, his halloween costume (which is SOOO cute - but will have to be a surprise), a few simple toys, a great pair of shoes, and a rocking chair. Joshua is really big into chairs right now, so I wanted him to have a rocking chair for our family room. I need to repaint it but it was SIGNIFICANTLY less than anything else I've seen so far. Eventually, I would like to find him a little table & chair/s so he can color on & do little crafts on. So far I haven't found anything cute enough or capable of being refinished so it can look cute - in my price range - which is pretty low. :) Total I paid less than $3 an item - which is actually being skewed a little high by the high priced chair at $10.

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