Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I don't have anything too profound to say. Today is the first day of school around here...so I woke up to hear the school bus picking up all the kiddies. It comes SOO darn early! My digital camera broke over the weekend! I had a feeling it was on it's way out...cause it has been acting up but it finally decided to throw in the 'lens' (HA) on Saturday. I feel SOO naked and handicap with out it though. For example, Joshua ate his first popsicle this weekend. Imagine, my cute little boy, holding on to that little stick with purple stain all around his mouth and on his teeth. ADORABLE...but I have no picture to show for it. Just my memoires. **Sigh** Anyways, I ordered another one through Amazon and it should be here today or tomorrow. I'm SOOO excited. I had to get a pretty affordable one but am lucky to be able to write it off as a business expense- YAY! But even a cheaper camera has twice the power of my old one because technology advances SO quickly and I think my camera is like 5 years old! I am anxious to show you the results of the new camera..I hope it's great!

1 comment:

theups said...

I can completely relate to the feeling of not having a camera!!! I was without one for about a month before I got my new one last Christmas. SOOOO glad that I have one!

I have to tell you, I cannot WAIT to make your Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread and Rice Krispie Treats!!!

Mrs. U