Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny Joshua

Joshua's vocabulary continues to increase by leaps and bounds everyday. Which makes him say funnier and funnier things. So I am trying to keep a record of all the cute Joshua'ism's. One thing he says every time we are in Target as we walk by the ladies bra section is, "Hat, Hat" pointing to the bra's. I guess the "cups" on the bras do sort of look like hats. And I haven't bothered to get in a discussion about what bras are.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Kids are so funny! Right now everything round is an apple to Megan. We will tell her no that's an orange. She says orange like she is questioning us and then then says apple with gusto. I'm sure not going to agrue apples and oranges with an 18 month old!