Friday, January 4, 2008


Joshua has been talking about 'pee-pee' like crazy lately. So I decided to take the que from him and get him a little potty and some potty books. Well, today is the first time he has ever seen the little potty and I thought I would let him get use to it for however long before trying anything. So tonight, he was saying pee-pee, pee-pee and wanted to go in there. So we took off his clothes and tried to get him to sit down. Well, he didn't want to so I figured he was unsure of it but NO, he wanted to turn around and pee standing up like a big boy. He was straining SOOO hard to pee. And sure enough, he pee'd like a big boy standing up at his little potty. I don't know if this will really be the time for him to officially be potty trained but we will give it a try and see how he does. Oh what a fun few weeks/months I have to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting! It's so wonderful when they finally get potty trained.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.

Foley Family said...

It's funny that I saw this post today after a weekend of potty training HELL! Grace seems ready, she has all of the classic readiness signs and our daycare provider insists that she is ready. Well ... I pretty much spent the entire weekend sitting on the floor of the bathroom trying to get Grace to go, she went once in the potty. Three days of putting her on the potty every 10 minutes and nothing. You are so lucky Joshua went on the first try!!! I don't know what to do from here. I don't know if I should stop and wait a month or two or just keep going and lose my sanity.

Take care,

Wendi said...
