Tuesday, August 12, 2008


At dinner last night we asked Joshua to pray for our food...which usually goes like this, mind you this is always said at WARP SPEED..."Jesus, thank you for our food, Amen." But last night, Joshua added in "thank you for Stegosauruses & triangles, Amen".

I love the simplicity of a child's prayer and what it can teach us. I think too often I get wrapped up in all the obvious prayer requests and needs and don't stop enough to thank God for the little things in life - like "Stegosauruses & triangles". So last night as we sat outside to play and "eat pickles (popsicles)" I couldn't help but be so incredibly thankful for my life. Things might not always go perfectly but we are so blissfully happy with our lives. I am so thankful that I get to stay home with Joshua and watch him giggle and play. I'm so delighted in how great a dad John is. I love that the simplicity of our lives means that sitting at home just being together as a family is more than enough for us. That we really need nothing more than "Stegosauruses & triangles."
"Always be joyful in the Lord! I'll say it again: Be joyful!"- Phil 4:4

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How cute and so true! Abby's dinner prayer goes like this, "Bless the food and all the people. Amen. Your turn Mommy."
I love it. Glad to things are well...much love!