Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My camera

My camera has been draining batteries like crazy all of a sudden so it is off to the shop. It's still under warranty so I wanted to get it in before the warranty runs out on Aug 24th. They said they will have it back to me in 10 business days which I am hoping is true...cause if not I'll be hijacking some one's camera on the way to the hospital if it's not here before the baby comes. Anyways, so sorry there will be no pictures for a couple of weeks. Now, I'm off to enjoy another beautiful day!


Wendi said...

It stinks to be without a camera! We are enjoying the beautiful weather also. Boy are we sleeping well at night! ~Wendi


Oh wow...I would feel naked w/o my camera...I take my camera everywhere! My dad just gave Chad an older digital camera that you are welcome to use if you need it!