Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pregnancy update & Nesting!

I think it's funny how different pregnancy is for everyone. All the symptoms I was expecting with pregnancy I never got...but all the ones I didn't expect - I did. I am still absolutely amazed at how God builds life through our bodies. It's so humbling to think that an actual human life is growing inside of me. I can't wait to meet our little guy!

As for an update, I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead and the baby is "locked and loaded"...okay not really, but I'm told..."in position and ready to go". My doctor and I am thinking it will be about 3-4 weeks...I'm hoping closer to 3. So we will see. I keep waiting for more "signs" that the little tike is ready to show his pretty little face...but haven't had many.

I am in nesting mode...but it's interesting how even nesting manifests itself in different ways. Nesting for me means stockpiling. For whatever reason, I feel it's necessary to stockpile everything. As if when the baby comes I nor anyone around me will have access to a grocery store what so I feel it's necessary to have crazy amounts of all things on hand. The instinct is also so strong I really can't NOT stockpile. I have even felt the need to make sure that all of Joshua's fall clothing has been purchased. But I am feeling pretty on top of everything right now. I haven't been cleaning all that much...just stockpiling...maybe the cleaning instinct is yet to come.

Finally, here is my 35 week pregnant belly pic.


Sarah said...

Ha Ha...I love your stockpiling urges...All I want to do know is re-arrange all the furniture in the 800+ square feet that is our tiny house! Wow..I can't believe you are almost there my dear. So excited for you.

*carrie* said...


Thanks for sharing this update and pic. One month from today (ish!)--wow!

I have a friend due next week and she is nesting by putting the finishing touches on the nursery!