Monday, March 17, 2008


As most of you know we experienced several years of infertility where we literally tried everything. In all MY plans, I never thought we would become a family through adoption but God's plans were different and I'm so very thankful. God knew that Joshua was meant to be our family and that infertility was the way to get Joshua here. I am so thankful for that struggle and where it has brought us.

Well, in January, we were absolutely thrilled and SHOCKED to find out that we are pregnant. Praise God for His amazing plans!!! Not many people have the chance to experience the blessing of adoption AND the blessing of being able to give birth. I am so very, very humbled by God's grace.

I feel over the last few months I've had to be so cryptic and haven't been able to really write as I've waited very anxiously to share this news to you but wanted to wait till we were at the "safety" point. We just had an ultrasound again today and were able to see our precious baby doing well. I am due Sept 25th. Your continued prayers for the health of this baby are greatly appreciated!

P.S. Also, I have the most precious shirt that Joshua's aunt made for him that I was going to use to announce the pregnancy...and can you believe it is LOST somewhere in my house. I looked for it for literally an hour and could not find it. soon as I do, I'll take his picture and put it up.


Deborah said...

Congratulations! We did things the opposite way...I had bio kids then went on to adopt. I'm glad I clicked on your site!

*carrie* said...


Congratulations! Now I understand your secrecy. =) Rejoicing with you!

Mama said...

Congratulations! You and your family will be in my prayers. May both you and your baby have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

Fellow IAC alumn

Lolly said...

Congratulations! This is fantastic news! Continued good health to you and your little one.

Wendi said...

Oh.My.Goodness... this is just wonderful! Wishing you all the best.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful miracle!