Friday, June 6, 2008

Random Stuff

First it is HOT HOT HOT. It's suppose to be close to 100 tomorrow. 100! Yikes! So today we are off to try to find me a maternity bathing suit so we can go to the pool tomorrow. Joshua is all about his baby pool right now and wakes up first thing in the morning saying - Back in POOL!

Our garden is growing fast! It's fun to watch. I can't wait till the vegetables start to grow. I'm hoping to get a lot tucked away in the freezer as well as start making freezer meals for myself in late August for when the baby arrives.

John felt the baby kick for the first time this week. I just started crying when he said he felt it. I've been feeling the baby for weeks but of course, it's not as easy for me to get John to feel it. First because it's so sporadic and then it's not always hard enough. When the baby kicks really hard you can see my stomach bump a little. It's amazing to experience God at work in such a magnificent way.

We continue to be busy even though I thought things would slow down in the summer. Lots of play dates and time outside even though it's so hot. The last week in June I'm teaching VBS and hoping that my sciatica will hold off a little so I can do it - so please be in prayer about that. Usually if I make sure to sit a lot it doesn't bother me too terribly - but some days there is no rhyme or reason to it. The other day I really didn't do much and couldn't even stand up it hurt so bad. It is no fun! I'm hoping lots of time in the pool will relieve it and keep Joshua busy busy.

Finally, I had a training class yesterday so John stayed home with Joshua. I was so tickled to come home and find lots of surprises prepared for me. John and Joshua had picked out some very beautiful sunflowers for me. Had made a delicious pork chop dinner & made chocolate covered strawberries!! I always feel so blessed to have a husband that is so involved and am so humbled when he surprises me - just because!

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