Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our weekend in pictures

Here is a picture of Joshua hiding during a game of hide & seek with his daddy! They take turns hiding and count to five before shouting, "ready or not, here I come". It's really cute but Joshua hasn't quite got the whole concept only hiding his head and answering John when he says stuff like, "Hmmm...I wonder if Joshua is in the cloest?" and Joshua answers, "no!" Giggle, giggle! Too cute!
Joshua helping us paint baby brother's room- he just doesn't realize he doesn't really have any paint on his brush.

The results! I'm thrilled with how it's turning out. We only painted this one section for today - but it looks great! The T.V. is only there temporarily for guests - but will be removed once the baby is born. We are leaving a queen bed up in the room since we only have 3 bedrooms but the room is a good size and it's working out really well I think.

Finally, we started potty training today. We are going cold turkey straight into big boy underwear. Today worked out really well. We had one pee-pee mistake and one poopie mistake but Joshua went both pee & poop in the potty today. YAY!! We are still using diapers at nap & nighttime and pull ups for when we go out. I'm hopeful that once the baby arrives Joshua will be an old potty pro! I seriously almost took a picture of his first poop in the potty cause I'm such a proud mommy - but decided against it. So lucky for you I don't have any potty pictures for the weekend.

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