Monday, June 16, 2008

Energy Savings

With gas prices going up and seeing a new report about how prices for electricity are going to start climbing as well, I've been looking up some ways to try to save energy around the house not only for saving money but for the environment. Here are some of my findings...

1. About a year ago we put up Gila Window Film. Which is a film you can get at your local hardware store. It reflects heat and UV rays. Once we got the hang of installing it we put it on all the back windows of our house where we get the afternoon sun really badly. It has made a HUGE difference. We use to not be able to keep the blinds open in the afternoon due to the heat/sun and now I keep them open all the time. It really works and does not tint the windows very much at all - so our view has not be obstructed. I HIGHLY recommend the stuff!

2. I just saw this article on on ceiling fan efficiency. I'm the queen of ceiling fans and found it really interesting that in the summer keeping them on constantly does not increase your A/C efficiency.

3. We also installed energy savings bulbs in all of our lamps. I still need to find those for our can lighting since we have a lot of those.

4. We put in a digital thermostat to program for different times of the day. As well try to keep our AC at a higher setting then normal - which is tough right now being pregnant and HOT!

5. Unplugging appliances not in use is tough but something I've been trying to do more of. It's amazing to think they are still draining energy even when they aren't on.

Here are also some websites with great tips:

1 comment:

*carrie* said...


Thanks for sharing these ideas, especially about the window film. I just saw in Lowe's last week that they make "artsy" insultating film for windows--would be really fun in a bathroom or other small room.

I have an energy saving post on tap for tomorrow!