Wednesday, June 18, 2008

99 days to go!

I'm so thrilled to be out of the triple digits! 181 days finished only 99 left to go! Yay! And this time next week I'll be in my last trimester. Yahoo! I'm really starting to feel like the end is near as my doctor now wants to see me every other week and of course, hitting my third trimester.

Pregnancy is amazing and I feel so blessed with this miracle...but it is SOOO much harder on my body then I figured. I'm seriously only getting about 5 hours of sleep - even though I'm in bed or trying to sleep for at least 8-9 hours. I get up to go to the bathroom at least every hour and 1/2 so no stretch of sleep is longer than that. I am also a stomach sleeper and sleeping on my side is just next to impossible for me. This little boy also seems to hate ANY pressure I place on him so if I get even a little bit tilted on my stomach he kicks and kicks and kicks. I can't wear certain clothes either if they hit him in the wrong spot cause that seems to upset him too. Picky, picky!

I absolutely LOVE feeling the baby kick but it is starting to get a little bit stronger and now it wakes me up at night too. This little boy is VERY busy at night. I find myself laughing in the middle of the night though wondering what the heck he is doing in there. He kicks me all over but it's definitely strongest on one side so I "think" I know what position he is in - but that is the other game I play with myself - wondering if it's a headbutt, a hand, or a foot kicking me. In fact, I think he still has enough room to do complete flips so I could be totally off. I also love that John can now feel the baby cause I feel like we can share in the baby a little more. I'm hoping that Joshua will be able to feel the baby soon...but the baby definitely kicks the most at night when he is asleep.

Other than painting and washing stuff the baby room is pretty done. Joshua loves to play in 'baby bwovers room". So I'm glad he is getting excited although I think he might be a little disappointed at first when all the baby does is lay around. So that is the pregnancy update for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my sons were very picky too. I got kicked and punched whenever I pushed in on my tummy. It was so cute!