Monday, July 21, 2008

My mind isn't what it use to be

As I've mentioned before, I have been getting very little sleep - maybe 5 hours a night - all broken up in 1 hour increments which does not make for a real restful night. Anywho, I'm maintaining pretty darn well if I do say so myself...well...EXCEPT my poor blog seems to be suffering. When I read my blog posts from a year ago they seemed consistent, informative at times and some of them were even witty. But mostly, I never seemed to be at a loss for words. Now, well, you be the judge. Sadly, to talk to me in person or on the phone is pretty pitiful as well. I feel like I have the most dramatic pauses in most conversations because I either can't comprehend what was just said to me or I can't formulate words to come out of my mouth that make sense. Don't I sound like a delightful conversationalist!! Luckily, my most frequent audience is a 2 year old that thinks that I'm HILARIOUS and the second smartest person he knows. (I know this because he often defers to Daddy as the fix it guy or tells me we will just wait for daddy to get home if there is a need I can't seem to take care of.) SOOOOooo...I'm certainly not complaining, I'm delighted to have the opportunity to be pregnant and am very excited about meeting our new little man...but I did want to just let you all know what has happened to this blog and if you hang in there a little longer...there is hope that I might get at least a small bit of my smarts back.

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