Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Ok, I'm really embarrassed to admit this...but lately there is nothing on t.v. Not that I watch a lot but for those few moments that I do want to zone out there seems to be nothing on. So SOMEHOW last night I stumbled onto the Tori & Dean reality show. You know - the show with Tori Spelling. Then I got hooked cause she is pregnant with a young child. The reason I got hooked was because she is obsessive about her pregnancy. Which made me feel so NORMAL!! Ha ha. The episode I flipped on was an older episode and she thought that her baby could poke it's finger nail and rupture one of her major organs in turn smothering and killing the baby with blood. So, even though I'm slightly neurotic about my pregnancy I now feel really, really normal cause I certainly don't have thoughts like that. So here is to reality television making me feel like a normal person!!

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