Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please lift these families in prayer...

I have two friend who are going through a lot right now and could use any and everyone's prayers.

My dear friends Cheryl & Al had a baby about 2 weeks ago 9 weeks early. The little precious boy, Noah is just over 2 lbs and desperately fighting to live. His brain is severely bleeding and he had a hole in his heart that did close up. Please pray for strength for this couple and for healing for little Noah. Here is a picture of him.

My other friends Tripp, Anna & Ella are struggling as Tripp just has his 4 brain tumor operation and found out that his cancer is now progressing at a faster pace. He is just now starting chemo & radiation. They are in their 30s and have a young daughter and one on the way.

Thank you so much for lifting them up in prayer!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am definitely praying.
God bless :)