Monday, September 10, 2007

Show & Tell of Kindness

As most of you know, my mom passed away very suddenly 4 months ago. As my mom was not married, I had to take care of packing all her stuff, sorting her clothes, etc. Well, Marlene, a dear sweet lady offered to make me a quilt out of my mom's clothes. This was such a gift in so many ways. It certainly made sorting my mom's clothes much easier and also gave me a great place to put all those clothes that I have seen my mom wear many, many, many times. It really was just so touching. Anyways, this weekend Marlene presented me with the beautiful quilt this weekend. Here is a picture. Also, below, I put a picture of my mom in one of the shirts and a close up to the location of the shirt in the quilt. I am lucky to be blessed by such grace!!

You can see more Show & Tell at There is no place like home's blog.


*carrie* said...

What a unique and touching gift!

Anonymous said...

It's very lovely and such a sweet gesture. When my dad died (ten years ago now, it's hard to believe), I made my first and only quilt combining a few of my old clothes and a few of his. To be honest, I never know what to do with it and where to put it, but I love it just the same.

Stephanie D said...

Oh, I just had to come see your quilt and it's beautiful! I haven't made a t-shirt quilt yet, or a memory quilt, but would find it a little daunting, hoping not to ruin something so precious. But your friend did a lovely job and I hope you spend many hours wrapped in your mom's lovey.
Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Kelli said...

I am sorry to hear about your mom. (((hugs)))

The quilt that your friend made is so very special...what a wonderful treasure!
