Thursday, April 19, 2007

My little genius...

So, there really is no need to tell you that Joshua is a genius as it should really be a given at this point...BUT...yesterday as I was feeding him, he kept fussing and whining. I just couldn't figure out what he wanted. And he seemed unusually frustrated, like, "Lady, do you really not know what I'm trying to tell you?!?" because he kept doing this little movement with his hand over and over. When FINALLY it dawned on me...that it looked like the sign for banana. But then I was like, no, he couldn't know that I figure...I'll give him a banana and just see. He instantly got quiet and reached for the banana. So lo and behold, he WAS doing the banana sign. I was really, really shocked and honestly just about fell on the floor because I do occasionally do the banana sign but it's not a sign that I have really worked on with him. So I really never thought it possible that he was paying attention!! Furthermore, the banana sign is one of the trickier baby signs, another reason I really haven't pushed it. He doesn't do it exactly right but certainly enough for me to understand. So when John got home I just wanted to verify that Joshua did in fact know the sign and, of course, show him off to John. So I went through a couple of words that he signs, like 'baby', 'doggy', etc...and then slipped in 'banana' and sure enough, he did the banana sign. So it's settled - Joshua is in fact a pure genius! (or at least in his mommy's eyes).

In other news, it seems Joshua has become our adoption agency's little spokesboy. I got an email yesterday asking for some pictures of him because they want to include him on their annual calendar. I was soooo excited!!! They also asked us a few weeks ago if we would be available to be a part of their PR campaign and then last weekend we went and gave a speech to hopeful adoptive parents for the IAC on our adoption story. So anywho, I'm so proud that even if Regis & Kelly didn't pick him for the cutest baby contest (which I'm sure was an oversight) that at least he is a star!!

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