Tuesday, April 10, 2007

12 Month Check-Up

We just got back from Joshua's 12 month check-up. Overall he is doing well. He isn't pointing yet - which he hopefully will pick up very soon but I'm going to try to NOT worry about it. Other than that his motor development and social skills are fabulous. Our ongoing weight concern is now unfortunately an even bigger problem because in 3 months he has only gained 5 oz. Soooo...we have to start seeing a nutritionist and get his weight checked every 6 weeks. I don't remember if the doctor said after 6 weeks or 12 weeks if there wasn't a significant improvement then they are going to start doing blood test. I'm pretty bummed because after the doctor made a big deal out of it 3 months ago I've been working EXTRA hard to get him to eat more and gain weight and feel a little bit like a failure. Hopefully the nutritionist will be able to shed some light on something...I have to start writing down every bite that he eats - as if I didn't have enough to do. Anyways, we will see. Hopefully there isn't anything more serious wrong with him and we will see improvement before doing all sorts of blood tests. On the plus size he did grow almost 2 inches. Here is the stat breakdown...I'll keep you posted on how things go w/ the nutritionist and when he starts pointing....

Weight: 20 lbs 3 oz - 10 %
Height: 28 3/4 inches - 10%

1 comment:

Mama said...

I'm sorry Joshua is not gaining weight. It must be very scarey for you. You are not a failure as a mom. Some things are just out of our control. Do your best to just keep on doing what you are doing and wait for that nutritionist to help you out. It's her job to know what to do, not yours so don't fret too much about it. You will be in my prayers.
Fellow IAC alumn