Monday, November 10, 2008

Making Your Home A Haven: Tidy

Monica is hosting this great opportunity to Make Your Home A Haven. THis is something I always strive for and lately feel like I'm so far behind on it with the new baby. So this is a great opportunity for me to make a little extra effort.

Here are my goals:

*Morning - bible study at church - I'm in charge of bringing breakfast
- make breakfast
- do dishwasher and run it
*Lunch - feed kids and get them down for quiet time
- empty dishwasher
- put away laundry
- finish putting away items that we pulled down from the attic (we cleaned it this weekend)
- tidy up piles on kitchen counters
- tidy up toys
- prepare dinner
*Dinner w/ family
So far I have accomplished everything on my list EXCEPT putting away the laundry. However, I also organized & refilled the diaper bags and feel good about the house looking neat. I think I might even spoil myself with a soak in the tub before going off to bed. :)


Monica Wilkinson said...

Wow - great job today, Angela!! I'm glad you are feeling encouraged in your Haven!

Wendi said...

Great job!  Hope you enjoyed your soak.