Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Making Your Home A Haven: Clean

Today I am continuing to participate in Making My Home A Haven. I am amazed at how productive I can be if I say ok - work really hard for 10 straight minutes and refuse to be distracted.

Here is today's list which might not seem to aggressive but it's still tough w/ two under foot:

- Dishes
- Laundry - continued
- Organize Caleb's clothes - put away the ones he has outgrown and get out ones he can wear
- Wipe down kitchen cabinets
- Clean both bathrooms
- Dust
- Put away and organize Joshua's toys - I recently found an old rack for his closet and plan on using baskets etc to put his stuff away


Vanessa said...

That definitely seems aggressive to me! :) I only have one babe (7 months) and I'd consider that a mighty productive day :)

Hope it goes well for you.

- Vanessa

Monica Wilkinson said...

Your list looks great - hope it was a good day!