Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Conversation Boxes

For our next MOPS meeting I'm in charge of creating the craft. We are making Conversation Boxes for the dinner table. I found some craft boxes at Oriental Trading company and we will be decopaging them then filling them with questions. I found this great resource for dinner topics and thought I would share. Sorry I don't have a picture.


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Neat Idea

Cindy said...

That is SUCH a fantastic idea! I started a sort of tradition about 6 months ago where I ask everyone at dinner what the best part of the day was for them. Benjamin really gets into it, he's started asking me at breakfast what the favorite part of my day way! I love the idea of having more questiosn to ask though. That way it doesn't get boring!

Cindy Huff
IAC Alumn