Monday, April 14, 2008

Summer Activities

I've been starting to research my local area for things to do over the summer with Joshua. Here are some of the things we will be doing this summer.

1. Free movies. Our local theatre offers free movies for kids. Also, Mom Advice had a great blog about discount Summer movies for kids in areas all over the country.
2. The pool. There is a neighborhood a few miles away that has a pool membership for $200 that I just can't pass up. The pool is clean and with a lifeguard and great fun for our family.
3. Storytime at the Library. Always a fun activity for us and free, free, free!
4. Playdates at the park. I try to set up a playdate once a week for us - usually on Thursdays. During the summer we spend LOTS of time at our local park.
5. Gardening. I gave up my vegetable garden the last two summers but this summer I'm putting it back and think Joshua will have a BLAST watching the vegetables grow. On one end I'll be putting in my Sunflowers for the Sunflower Project.
6. Vacation Bible School. I usually volunteer for VBS and haven't definitely decided on this or not since Joshua is still kind of young to benefit. We'll see on this one.
7. Sprinkler parties. I've decided to have several events in my yard this summer which I'm basically calling sprinkler parties. Which basically means - inviting my friends and their kids over to run in the sprinklers.

How are you keeping your kids busy over the summer?


Amy said...

Thank you so much for the mention. Those are all such great ideas! We did a fun playgroup that was an animal safari playgroup. All the kids brought their favorite stuffed animals and we had them hide them. I had the parents bring toilet paper rolls and we used those to make binoculars that they could decorate. The kids had so much fun pretending to hunt for their animals. Very fun!

We do a lot of meet-ups with moms during the summer, but I spend a lot of time sitting in a chair in my backyard while the kids play. We have a little water table and a sprinkler and they could spend all day doing that alone :)

Great ideas!

Anonymous said...
