Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stepping Stone

This is a stepping stone craft I led in our MOPS group today. We needed enough for 20 ladies so we used a 60 lb bag of concrete and mixed it in a bucket but adding water till we got the right consistency. We had 20 plant trays and poured the concrete in each then everyone decorated their own with shells, stones, etc. This craft cost about $40 for all 20 stones but could be much more affordable by using tools from home. We had bought little stamps to letter the stones too but you could easily do it with a knife or stick or something else. This was a fun craft to do and I look forward to doing it at home again to make stepping stones for around my yard or as gifts. In this picture, my stone is still drying.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Love it! I hope to this with Megan soon.