Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!

Today Joshua is 2 years old. This is an emotional day for me as I watch him grow into such a big boy and as I remember getting the phone call we got this day 2 years ago telling us that he was born. We jumped on a plane within 3 hours. After we held Joshua at the hospital and took several pictures we had to go to a hotel room for a couple of hours without him before we could officially bring him home with us from the hospital the next day. I will never forget laying in bed with John with the hotel room completely dark going through the pictures on the digital camera of our precious new son. This picture is one of those pictures. Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Ok, I have to add a few more pictures cause I really liked the one of us being wheeled out of the hospital with Joshua the next day and then a few days later in the other picture you can see how tiny he was.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!

Holding the baby you prayed so hard for is a wonderful feeling. Congratulations on your special day.