Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day. I am so impressed with how much the country has really seemed to make an effort lately towards more Green living. I don't do a lot but hope to continue to increase what I can do for our Earth.

Here are some sites with some Earth Day tips & crafts:
Earth Day Tips

Kaboose - Tips, Recipes, Crafts

Enchanted Learning - Crafts

Nick Jr Earth Day Crafts

Crayola Crafts

Updated: Here are a few ways my family is planning or already trying to go Green!

  • Replace bulbs in house with energy-saving light bulbs. We currently have about 5 of these bulbs but need to work on replacing all of the bulbs in our house. Here is a link to find out more about how you can do this.
  • NOT using plastic/paper bags from the grocery store and instead using recycled bags. I started doing this a little over a week ago and encouraged a friend to start doing it too. So I'm really pleased with this progress.
  • Growing a garden.
  • Driving less. I'm working to plan my trips more efficiently to save on gas mileage and to lessen my overall driving.
  • Turning off lights & unplugging appliances. This is something I've been doing for awhile. I need to make sure that I continue to do this. I was amazed to learn how much energy is being drained just by having things plugged in.
  • Recycle!! I'm making more of an effort to recycle more of the items that I use. Sometimes, I get lazy and don't take the time to recycle some items like - the cardboard from toilet paper rolls. It's amazing how many things should go in the recycle bin but end up in the garbage. A goal I have is to get a bigger recycle bin so I'm more encouraged to use it since our recycling pick up is only every other week.
  • Use LESS disposable items. I'm pretty good at using sponges and wash clothes for dishes etc but I could certainly use LESS paper towels and use more cloth towels. I am still unwilling to give up my disposable diapers but hope to potty train very soon so that we have only 1 kid in diapers.

These are just a few items that are really rather simple. I hope to continue to expand and grow this list. What are you doing to live green?

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