Monday, July 30, 2007

We were so blessed today to get to go take the Cystic Fibrosis test a whole week early!! And praise God that the test results came back normal!!! It's such a relief to have that out of the way. Now we have to figure out what else is going on with Joshua. We don't know which tests are next but I know that anything will be easier to handle now that the big scary test is out of the way.

In other news, Joshua has become quite the monkey. He is climbing all over everything and likes to pull things up to stand on to get to other things. I'm just praying that he will not start crawling out of his crib.

He is learning more and more words everyday. Right now he LOVES LOVES LOVES to call Riley. He can say Chester too but prefers to say...Riiiiilllleeeey!! Since that is how I say it to call Riley inside. He copies a lot of words that we say. Here is the word list that he can say that I can come up with on the top of my head: ball, balloon, Riley, Chester, Daddy, Mommy, apple, duck, hat, juice, book, blueberry, this, pat, up, bear...that is all I can think of...but he does mimic 50% of words that we say. You can also ask him what a dinosaur says and he will roar. He definitely understands 90% of what we say. We can ask him if he wants to go to Time Out and he very adamantly shakes his head NO! Oh...and I forgot one very important word - Bye bye!! Which he says ALLLLLL the time now. When I hang up the phone he says, bye-bye. He is just so precious.

Last thing...he now has 11 teeth. 4 top center, 2 lower center, 4 molars. Well, that is all the updates for now. Now for a really good nights sleep since my stress level has gone down!

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