Friday, July 27, 2007

Few updates...

Joshua is finally showing an interest in actually listening to me read books which makes me so happy. Because for months and months I've been reading to him while he just runs away or blabbers over I love that now he will actually bring me a book and sit in my lap while I read it. He does get hung up on certain pages with prettier pictures than the next page but I'm just thrilled that he is interested. He will also sit on the floor by himself and just flip through them. So sweet. He is really interested in picture books - especially if there is a ball in there somewhere.

I've been working with Joshua A LOT on giving him a little more freedom and him not taking too much advantage of the freedom. For instance, we have had him baby gated out of the kitchen which is now down. He really loves getting to explore a new area and get into my Tupperware. So far he has been pretty good but we do have to pick up the dog/cat food during his waking hours. And now all my Tupperware has dog hair all over it because if you didn't know Tupperware is a magnet for dog hair.

The pic of Joshua surrounded by toys is Joshua getting into a bin of stuff that John was supposed to put in the attic. Joshua was just SOOOO proud of himself for his mischief.

In other news, we are waiting to get Joshua tested for Cystic Fibrosis due to his weight issues and some other test results. Waiting to find out if our son has Cystic Fibrosis is so very hard, scary, nerve wracking, etc...and is ANOTHER HUGE lesson in patience. God has tried to teach me this lesson so many times and I guess He thinks I just don't get it...cause I keep getting tested. I don't quite know how to feel about this big unknown. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions and absolutely hate that on top of it all I don't have my mom to lean on. I'm trying to just trust in God but I know that His plan might not always be what we want. I know that He will give us the strength to handle whatever comes our way but man, I really hope this isn't what he has in store for us. I teeter between feeling like this is just something the doctor has to rule out, thinking they are all just paranoid, or feeling just dread that the doctors wouldn't make Joshua go through this test if it wasn't a real possibility. **Sigh*** I know I would rather have something wrong with me a million times over than watch our son suffer.

If you don't know much about Cystic Fibrosis, I encourage you to learn because this has really given me a new compassion for the 30k people in the U.S that struggle with this disease and for the non-stop worry I'm sure it causes their families. Maybe, if nothing else a little awareness will lead to someone finding a cure for this horrible disease.

Anyways, hopefully in about 10 days I will be rejoicing that we are all in the clear and can finally get a good nights sleep.

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