Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

Our friends Sue & Evan had a fun fourth of July party at their house yesterday. Of course, John was the biggest kid in attendance - but everyone had a great time. We played badminton but couldn't beat little Evan the 6 year old badminton king. We launched rockets, played in the pool, went down a zip line, and ate lots of yummy food. Then, after being completely wiped out - we came home and John & I were asleep by 9pm. John also finally finished cleaning out the garage yesterday while I showed houses so he can finally get his car back in there. Hooray!! Joshua's teething pain seems to be a little better and he continues to learn more and more. He tries to repeat everything we say lately - or at least the key words - although they don't always sound completely right. He likes to say the word blueberry now - which is his new favorite fruit but it comes out 'boo-bear'. He has also been really interested in trying new foods which is fantastic because it's really hard to go anywhere when he is so limited on food choices. But he seems to always want to try what we are eating now even if he ends up spitting it out...I'm glad he is trying.

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