Saturday, June 2, 2007

A few updates...

Joshua has found something new and fun to do...climb into his toy box. He is doing it pretty regularly lately and especially loves to dump the toys out, climb in, then put the toys back in on top of himself. He is picking up quite a few words lately and it's so random. Just tonight he walked over to John and grabbed his nose and said 'nose' as plain as day.

Today I decided to cut all my hair off, well, I've actually been thinking of doing it for a I just went ahead and did it. She took 6 inches off and was a little scared I think to do it cause I think she thought I might freak out or something. Anywho, I really like it and hopefully this will mean I won't have to wear it in a ponytail everyday! Here's a pic - warning I'm not wearing any make-up and it's a self portrait so not the greatest.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thanks for the J pics. Your hair looks great!