Friday, June 22, 2007


I think I've mentioned that Joshua's FAVORITE word to say is now Balloon...said baaa...oooon. Well now everything in the sky is a baaa..ooon. We could see the moon last night on our walk and he was saying, "baa..ooon, baa..oon" and we were saying, "moooon, moooon" and he would repeat back, "baa..ooon, baa..oon" as if - that is what I've been saying! But if you ask him more specifically, "where is the moon?" - he will point right at's like he knows the difference but yet everything comes out of his mouth lately as "baa..ooon". Anywho, he has been babbling NON-STOP lately. As if really having conversations and talking about stuff. So I wouldn't be surprised if in a month or two those babbles turned into lots of words. He can already say about 15 words but his babble has really picked up. The other thing that Joshua likes to do is ask us what EVERYTHING is. He will point to every object he sees and say, "This?" or "that?" very quizzically. Anyways, then we tell him what it is and he points to the next object, "This?". It's like a baby version of "why?".

Riley continues to be Joshua's play pal. It really makes me feel like we need to get a brother or sister for Joshua-- which ever since my mother died has been even heavier on my heart and mind. It's something I definitely want to start aiming for saving money when we can so we can adopt #2. We will see what God has in store for us but my heart is really leading me lately to get on the ball about #2. Anyways, I've added some cute pics of Joshua & Riley. Riley is SOOO patient with Joshua. Joshua literally bounces on top of Riley as if he was a's cute and so sweet how good Riley is with him. They also are quite good at sharing balls with one another. Joshua will throw it at Riley and Riley will catch it then drop it for Joshua to throw again. more thing...Joshua is absolutely obsessed with balls. He use to call balls ..baamms. But now he calls them, "ball, balls". He must always say the word twice. He can carry like 3 or 4 of them in his arms. We have a gazillion of them it seems. And he can throw a ball REALLY well. Future football star...I doubt it unless he grows quite a bit - but maybe baseball? Who knows!

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