Wednesday, March 28, 2007

No wonder I feel so yucky!!!

I have been feeling horrible for like 2 weeks. My throat is killing me and I've just been plain yucky. I figured it was allergies...and while we aren't as high as some of these places I'm sure that is what is making me feel so rotten...

Taken from USA Today..
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A yellow haze of pollen descended on the Southeast in the past week, coating cars and porch furniture and making people miserable in one of the worst allergy seasons in years. Doctors are telling people with stuffed-up noses and itchy, watery eyes to spend more time indoors if they can.

"Everybody who walks through the door, you can see it in their faces," said Atlanta pharmacy owner Ira Katz, who is running low on medication to treat what he said is the worst allergy season of his 26 years in the business.

Atlanta's pollen count hit 5,499 particles per cubic meter of air Monday, the highest so far this season and the fourth highest in the 12 years that the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic has been keeping records. In South Carolina, the pollen count hit 4,862, according to the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville.

A reading of 120 is considered extremely high in the Southeast. A lack of rain is blamed for the high pollen count. Rain scrubs pollen from the air.

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