Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Baby stuff I love...

When I like good products - I think it's good to spread the I wanted to share about a few things I really like...

1. Boudreaux Butt Paste - Yes, that is the real name. It is absolutely the BEST diaper rash cream around. I've tried all the rest - and nothing comes even close.

2. Kindermusik - I can't believe how great these classes are. I really love them and more importantly Joshua REALLY loves them and I feel like he has learned so much from the classes...I HIGHLY recommend them.

3. Baby Einstein & Elmo - All in all they are both great. Elmo is just adorable and nothing entertains Joshua so I can get a break like Baby Einstein.

Ok - that is it for now...I'm sure I'll think of more to add.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Angela, We also love Bordeuax's Butt Paste and it's what we used for Hannah's nasty sores when she was sick earlier in the month. I notice you left me a comment about it and I never did get around to telling you that was exactly what we were using!

Fellow IAC alumn