Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Are the mommy dummies gone?

Ever since becoming a mom, I have claimed the mommy dummies as I apparently have lost brain cells or something. Well, I am proud to announce that I have had at least a temporary lapse of pure genius. Lately, Joshua has been VERY picky about eating. He no longer wants to eat jarred baby food at all and is really only interested in fruit, cheerios, and green beans. He will literally eat a whole can of green beans in one sitting and I have not found a fruit that he does not like. But put a carrot, potato, asparagus, chicken, anything and he is NOT interested. He is simply picky, picky, picky. So it dawned on me that since he likes green beans so much that maybe if I soaked other things in green bean juice he might eat them. So today I've been soaking cooked macaroni & carrots in green bean juice and served it to him for dinner and apparently the lure of the "green bean" flavor was enough to make him eat them. He ate almost every single item that I had soaked. I was floored that it worked. I tried to feed him the exact same carrots at lunch and he threw them all on the floor. But after soaking for several hours they apparently have a new appeal. So, since that is my genius moment for the year I figured I should share because it might not happen again!

1 comment:

Mama said...

Angela, I will have to file this little trick away in my mommy filing cabinet in case I need to use it at some point down the road! You truly are a genius!

Fellow IAC alumn