Monday, February 19, 2007

I have a new love...our DVR. DVR is quite amazing. I never even thought I wanted it...but figured with our new satellite that I would give it a try. I am SOOOO glad I did. It's wonderful to be able to pause live TV when you have to do something and then you can simply catch up on the commercials. Also, since becoming parents it's hard to find time to watch our favorite T.V. shows and a pain to always record them. But now, we can easily record them and go to bed early and watch them the next day. We are also saving tons of time not watching commercials. Can you tell I like my DVR?

Joshua was kind enough to give his virus to John over the weekend. So I had to nurse two sick boys all weekend while doing my best to not catch it myself. So far so good...let's hope it stays that way. Joshua still has no appetite. Every time I start to get him on a good eating schedule - he seems to get sick and we have to start all over. No wonder I have such a hard time getting him to gain weight. I need to measure him though, cause he definitely is looking taller lately.

Joshua has also started to show a bit of interest in climbing. He has figured out how to climb up on his Elmo chair to try to reach things otherwise out of reach on our table. He will even stand on the arms of the chair. I think this might be foreshadowing future trouble for me. I would say he has also tilted the scales in favor of walking over crawling. He now tries to walk first and then if he falls he will crawl - but he is getting better every day with his walking. He might be running by his birthday - YIKES! I might need to get myself some running shoes.

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