Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Activities

Amy at had a great post about coming up with a list of fun summer activities which I kind of already had but I thought it was a good way to have an active go-to list of fun stuff to do. So here's my list:

1. Try bowling
2. Campfire night w/ smores
3. Go to a local baseball game
4. FREE movies - at several of the theatres in town
5. Go to several Sunday Evenings in the park - another wonderful local treasure
6. Sprinkler parties
7. Plenty of pool days
8. Attend & volunteer at VBS
9. Dinosaur camp
10. Have a picnic
11. Go to Grammy & Papa's
12. Make homemade ice cream
13. Play in a warm summer rain
14. Go to the zoo
15. Park, park and more park!


*carrie* said...

Fun list, Angela! I hope you're able to cross them all off. =)

Kristen said...

Is J really going to a Dinosaur camp??